Enroll Apply now to become a part of the Momentum Academy family. We can’t wait to meet you. Momentum Academy is more than a place where we teach our scholars. It is also the families, faculty and staff that focus on those scholars each and every day to make them the best leaders they can be. If you are applying for the 2025-2026 school year, learn more about SchoolAppSTL here. Momentum Academy Enrollment Application 2024-2025 "*" indicates required fields New Scholar Information:Scholar's Name:* First Last Date of Birth:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Gender:*MaleFemaleNon-BinaryTransgenderCurrent Grade Level:*PreKKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th GradeN/A – My scholar is not currently enrolled in school.Current/Most Recently Attended School:*Is your scholar currently suspended or expelled?* Yes No Please provide details concerning your scholar's suspension or expulsion.*Scholars who are suspended or expelled may be required to sign a behavior plan when they are enrolled. Scholars who are suspended or expelled due to a Safe Schools Act violation may be denied enrollment. What grade is your scholar entering for the 2024-2025 school year?*PreKKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th GradePreferred Momentum Academy Campus: Check all that apply.* Momentum Academy – Tower Grove South (3716 Morgan Ford Rd.) Momentum Academy – Fox Park (2617 Shenandoah Ave.) Momentum Academy – Tower Grove East (2900 S. Grand Blvd.) Momentum Academy – Gravois Park (3630 Ohio Ave.) Does your scholar have a sibling or family member who CURRENTLY ATTENDS a Momentum Academy school?* Yes No Current Momentum Scholar's Name: First Last Current Momentum Scholar's Grade Level:PreKKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th GradeDoes your scholar have a sibling or family member who will ALSO BE APPLYING to Momentum Academy? Please complete a separate application for each new scholar.* Yes No Sibling/Family Member Name: First Last Sibling/Family Member Grade Level:PreKKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th GradeAdd another sibling or family member?* Yes No Sibling/Family Member Name: First Last Sibling/Family Member Grade Level:PreKKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th GradeParent/Guardian InformationParent/Guardian Name:* First Last Relationship to Scholar:*MotherFatherFoster ParentStep ParentGrandmotherGrandfatherAuntUncleSiblingGuardianPhone Number:*Email:* Contact Preference: Check all that apply.* Email Phone Text Message Does this parent/guardian live in the home with the scholar?* Yes No Add another parent/guardian?* Yes No Parent/Guardian Name: First Last Relationship to Scholar:MotherFatherFoster ParentStep ParentGrandmotherGrandfatherAuntUncleSiblingGuardianPhone Number:Email: Contact Preference: Check all that apply. Email Phone Text Message Does this parent/guardian live in the home with the scholar? Yes No Home AddressAll Momentum scholars are required to reside within St. Louis City. Please provide a valid St. Louis City address below. Proof of residency will be required to complete your scholar’s registration. Home Address:* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code How did you hear about Momentum Academy?* Google Search Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) Email Newsletter Word of Mouth/Referral Event or Webinar Flyer or Brochure Community Organization Local News/Media Other (Please Specify) Please specify how you heard about us if you pressed "Other"*Lottery and AcceptanceEnrollment Lottery Procedure – Please read the description below.*If Momentum Academy receives more applications than there are seats available for any given grade, we will hold a random lottery, as required by law. The lottery will take place on Monday, March 4, 2024. Once the lottery is held, we will contact all families by email to notify them of their enrollment status. All applications received after 4:00PM on the date of the lottery deadline will be waitlisted by the date they are received. Accepted families will be required to complete the registration paperwork at the campus where they are enrolling or via our Online Registration System. I have read and understand the Enrollment Lottery procedure. Parent/Guardian Signature:*Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Parent + Family FAQs Learn more about the Momentum experience! FAQs What is the school day schedule? Our academic school day is from 8:00am-3:15pm, Monday-Thursday, and from 8:00am-2:00pm on Fridays. Breakfast is available each day from 7:30am-8:15am. Is before and after school care available? What are the hours and the cost? Yes! Momentum Academy does provide before and after-school care options for our scholars. Our before-school care program is run and supervised by our school staff members. Scholars may be dropped off for before-care beginning at 6:30 am. After-school care is available, on-site, at each Momentum Academy campus and is open from the end of the school day until 6:00 pm. There is a fee for both before and after-school care. We work with families to ensure that their scholars are able to access any services they need regardless of the cost. Does Momentum Academy provide transportation to and from school? Momentum Academy does not currently provide transportation for our scholars. Transportation assistance may be available, on an as-needed basis, for our families who are experiencing homelessness, or personal crisis. Families may contact us to see if they qualify for transportation assistance. Are the scholars required to wear a uniform? What is the uniform? All scholars are required to wear a school uniform consisting of navy blue pants, shorts, or skirt and a Momentum Academy polo shirt. Our elementary-age scholars wear a purple polo shirt, while our upper academy scholars wear a white polo shirt. Scholars should wear solid color shoes and may wear sweaters or sweatshirts in solid, school colors. We require our scholars to wear a uniform to help keep their focus on their academic tasks. Our uniforms unite us as a school community and promote school unity. Why does Momentum Academy have a shortened school day on Fridays? We have a shortened schedule on Fridays to accommodate weekly teacher and staff professional development. Our staff members receive additional training and development each week and are also given the opportunity to collaborate with their colleagues during that time. I can’t find solid black shoes. Can my scholar wear shoes that are not solid black? We prefer for scholars to wear solid black shoes with black socks because it is the most uniform look and helps avoid distractions during the school day. However, if you are unable to acquire a solid black pair, please contact the Dean of Scholars at your scholar’s school. The Dean of Scholars will make the final determination on acceptable shoes.