The success of our scholars involves an active and dedicated community. We invite family and community members to support our scholars’ growth by taking part in enrichment programs, such as coaching a sport, being a school or classroom volunteer, chaperoning a field trip, or supporting a club or other extracurricular activities.

Want to Volunteer?

The success of our scholars involves an active and dedicated community. We invite family and community members to support our scholars’ growth by taking part in enrichment programs, such as coaching a sport, being a school or classroom volunteer, chaperoning a field trip, or supporting a club or other extracurricular activities.


Due to a recent change in state law, which requires a more extensive screening for all volunteers that may be left alone with students, all volunteers must complete a volunteer screening, including a fingerprint background check.

All visitors to Momentum schools are asked to present an ID such as a Driver’s License, which is then scanned or manually entered into the Hallpass system. This system is used for all visitors but does not meet the legal requirements for volunteers that might be alone with students.


First Lastname

